14 decembrie 2011

Despre competenţele digitale

Nivele  de alfabetizare digitală
Societatea modernă se bazează pe folosirea pe scară largă a tehnologiilor informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor. Aceste tehnologii sunt folosite de un număr mare de persoane şi nu mai sunt doar apanajul unor profesionişti. Din acest motiv, competenţele în folosirea tehnologiilor informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor au devenit o provocare a societăţii moderne. Sunt necesare competenţe diferenţiate de la cele necesare pentru folosirea aplicaţiilor de tip eBusiness, la cele pentru folosirea curentă a TIC, până la cele caracteristice profesioniștilor. În 60 de ani între 1950 și 2010 populaţia planetei a crescut de 2,6 ori, în timp ce numărul profesioniștilor TIC a crescut de 4000 ori, iar numărul utilizatorilor TIC de 400.000 ori. Se pare că putem aproxima dublarea necesarului de competenţe TIC la fiecare 2 ½ ani.

Competenţele digitale sunt cerute pe scară largă și cele mai multe ţări prezintă un deficit al acestora. Uniunea Europeană a lansat mai multe programe pentru reducerea acestui deficit estimat pentru 2015 la 700.000 persoane.
Putem defini 5 nivele de competenţe digitale:
· Lipsa completă de competenţe digitale, numită și analfabetism digital
· Expunere(iniţiere) digitală, respectiv înţelegerea utilizarea personală a TIC, abilitatea de a efectua operaţii de bază web, citi și scrie emailuri, etc.
· Alfabetizare digitală, respectiv posedarea competenţelor de bază de folosire a sistemelor digitale, Internet, baze de date, etc.
· Competenţă digitală, care implică un grad ridicat de cunoaștere a unui loc de muncă informatizat cu aplicaţii diverse
·  Excelenţă digitală, respectiv posedarea unui nivel foarte înalt de competenţe digitale

 Răspândirea competenţelor digitale continuă să preocupe multe ţări, fiind un factor important de modernizare economică și socială. Un sondaj recent efectuat de Google a arătat că numai 8% dintre participanţi au putut spune ce este un browser(navigator web)

Există studii care arată că instruirea insuficientă în utilizarea tehnologiilor informaţiei conduce la un cost al ignoranţei digitale care poate fi cuantificat prin productivitate mai slabă cu circa 20% și creștere considerabilă a timpilor de execuţie a sarcinilor curente sau proiectelor.

Str. Mendeleev nr. 7-15 Sector 1 Bucuresti (în Piața Amzei)

Tel./Fax: 021 - 311 39 30 / 021 - 316 99 33

6 decembrie 2011

CEPIS Address at Digital Trends 2011 Conference

Dear colleagues and fellow ICT professionals,

I am delighted to have been invited here today to address you all in Athens at today’s special conference, the first of its kind in Greece. It is an honour for me to present the opening address to you this morning on behalf of CEPIS. First and foremost I would like to thank HePIS, who are co-hosting Digital Trends with CEPIS, for all of their hard work and dedication in organising this event.

Digital Trends 2011 is a forum that I believe is important, to encourage valuable discussion between all of you here today, on increasingly vital topics related to the contribution that the ICT sector has on economic growth and for increased productivity. I hope that today’s forum which brings together participants from all over the world will encourage relevant discussions towards promoting the development of the Information Society in Europe. CEPIS and its Member Societies have been working hard towards achieving this aim over the last 20 years, by focusing on a number of different strategic areas including Professionalism, e-Skills, Green ICT and through our Legal & Security Issues Special Interest Network we have published a pan-European recognised paper on Cloud Computing.

It is clear that in recent years we have all experienced the incredible impact that ICT has brought to our daily lives. I think some of us can remember when no one even had a mobile phone, but now with the widespread use of not just laptops but also smart phones and tablets the world is truly entering a digital age where almost everything can now be undertaken online using these devices and many more to come. This digital age needs to be embraced not just by ICT professionals but also all other sectors of society to use ICT to their advantage, and for the benefit of the recovering economy, productivity and smart growth.

Boosting smart growth is a very significant and important initiative that the European Commission launched in 2010 as part of its Europe 2020 strategy. Smart growth essentially means improving the EU's performance in using ICT, creating new products/services that generate growth and jobs and encouraging people to use new skills, learn and study. As you can see the ICT sector will be and is already a significant contributing factor in all of these areas. CEPIS and its Member Societies especially have teamed together to form a coherent strategy around the contribution that this sector can have on society, and I encourage all other stakeholders across Europe to do the same. The ICT sector is of such importance nowadays that without a proper strategy in place that embraces the overwhelmingly positive contribution that ICT can have, you will be left behind.

One of the phrases that I have heard a lot recently is “How Green are You?”. As we start to realise that the way of the future is indeed digital, we must also start thinking about how we can limit the way the ICT sector is itself contributing harmfully to the environment, and more optimistically about the extremely positive impact that the ICT sector can have in reducing Europe’s carbon footprint.

Recent figures published by the European Commission show that today ICT equipment and services are estimated to be responsible for somewhere between 2,5 and 4% of the EU's carbon emissions and 8 to 10% of our electricity consumption. As part of the Digital Agenda for Europe flagship initiative, the European Commission will focus on the energy efficiency of the ICT sector in at least two actions. CEPIS praises the European Commission for these actions but I believe that they can only be successful if all European ICT companies, stakeholders and beyond become involved and join together to carry out these actions. For the recovery and growth of our economy it is essential that the ICT sector and other major emitting sectors such as transport, building and construction etc. band together to fully take advantage of the energy saving capacity of ICT. The use of Green ICT needs to be encouraged and promoted for even further organisations though also like SMEs and with European citizens’ own personal use of ICT.

CEPIS, as the leading organisation of European ICT professionals, is committed to mobilising its members to promote the ideas of Green ICT and contribute to the environment's protection. Last year we launched the Green ICT Task Force which now consists of more than a dozen experts in the area of Green ICT representing 10 different countries, and 11 informatics associations from across Europe. Byron Nicolaides, CEPIS Honorary Secretary and Vice President of HePIS will present more information about the Task Force, and will reveal the results of a recent pan-European survey for ICT Managers created by the Task Force, in the next session.

Regarding Green ICT and its influence at a more local level, it is clear that both the public and private sectors have a responsibility in controlling their power consumption and wasteful usage of ICT resources in many European countries. CEPIS believes that public authorities must adopt actions on both a national and a pan-European level in order to enhance public e-services. The private sector, being more flexible, could also easily adopt practices that contribute to energy efficiency and reduction of power consumption. Many of you here today are part of various sectors of industry and business including but not limited to the ICT sector, but I believe all of us should implement Green ICT practices in our personal and professional lives and contribute to the environment’s protection in this way.

Cloud Computing is an advancement in ICT that has started to revolutionise the way in which citizens, businesses and governments in Europe operate. With a simple Internet connection anything is possible. As such Cloud Computing has also been an important focus of CEPIS’ strategy over the last number of years. European citizens are utilising cloud computing in a number of different ways either via web-based emailing or for saving information on a remote database with practically endless storage space available. It is true that the advantages of Cloud Computing include also most importantly cost savings, especially for SMEs, but the fact is cloud computing also carried implications of data protection particularly across borders. I was encouraged to see the European Commission launch a public consultation this year where all Europeans could respond and share their opinions about this issue. I’m looking forward to the Cloud Computing strategy that is to be launched next year by the Commission, based on the results of this consultation.

CEPIS and its Member Societies also published its first paper on Cloud Computing. The paper is available in both English and Greek on our website, www.cepis.org. We appreciate and gladly welcome the incredibly positive impact that Cloud Computing has had on all of our daily lives, but before any major developments continue in this field both positive and indeed negative sides have to be examined. That is why our statement explores the security and privacy implications associated with Cloud Computing. The CEPIS working group in charge of legal and security issues examined areas such as the loss of control over data and dependence on the Cloud Computing provider and outlines the related issues in this paper. We also provide 15 recommendations on measures that should be taken to deal with the risks and privacy invasion factors of Cloud Computing. I look forward today to seeing involving and active discussions about the huge value that Cloud Computing can provide in the corporate world and beyond, but also some of our concerns need to be considered too. 

One concern is Digital Divide with the need to consolidate the four pillars of its bridge: appropriate ICT Infrastructure, accessible and affordable Internet access, generalized ability to use IT, availability of useful content. The predominant narrowband access vs. broadband applications produces a new divide in the use of transactional applications eGovernment, eCommerce, etc., but also in use of cloud computing.

I am glad to be here at Digital Trends today which is the perfect setting for open and active discussions to take place on all these topics.

CEPIS is extremely proud to be co-hosting of Digital Trends with its Greek Member Society, HePIS. Today’s forum is a relevant and significant event that is catered towards European ICT professionals, businesses and citizens alike and we hope that you will be enlightened and more importantly, we hope that this event will inspire you to realise the importance of two influential topics currently having an impact on ICT.

You may further contact us, follow us on social networks or visit our portal www.cepis.org

Thank you!

Σας ευχαριστούμε!

Vasile Baltac, 5 December 2011
Athens, Greece

Presentation on Slideshare.net

3 decembrie 2011

Forme de înșelătorie prin scrisori nigeriene pe Internet

Este instructiv de studiat un mesaj e-mail primit azi. Un caz clar de încercare de furt de identitate și escrocherie potențială.
Expeditorul a trimis unui număr probabil foarte mare de persoane mesajul de mai jos prin care îi anunță că sunt beneficiarii unei ”moșteniri” de 25 milioane de lire sterline (!), dar pentru a o obține este necesar să completeze unele date personale.
Odată completate, victima va fi sigur contactată de escroci pentru a continua procedura prin care va fi stoarsă de bani, chipurile pentru a obține ”aprobările” necesare.
Nu trebuie să fi specialist pentru a vedea că mesajul nu provine de la Barclays Bank și nici că datele nu vor ajunge acolo. Nici nu este nevoie să se piardă timpul pentru a verifica identitatea celui care semnează. Sigur nu este cineva de la banca respectivă.
Este de remarcat că Google Mail m-a avertizat (textul în roșu) că expeditorul ar putea să fie altcineva decât pretinde că este și mi-a plasat mesajul în folderul de spam.

ATENȚIE deci la astfel de capcane! Din unele date publicate circa 2% dintre destinatari intră în joc!


BARCLAYS BANK PLC ✆ eessaammw@rediffmail.com via softnet.ro

4:19 PM (3 hours ago)

to odin_alin

Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal information. Learn more


Attention : Beneficiary


This is to notify you about the status of your fund presently in my desk.
After due vetting and evaluation of your Inheritance file which The
Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Forwarded us to see
to your Immediate payment.

From our findings you have been going through hard ways by paying a lot
of charges to see to the release of your Fund ($25 000, 000, 00) which
has been delayed. We advice that you stop further communication with any
Correspondence from Nigeria . You don't have to pay much charges to
receive your Inheritance fund as you met up with the whole
requirements, your representatives in other country may tell you to still go
ahead with them But on your own risk.

The only thing required from you is to obtain Non-Resident Clearance
Form/Receipt which we are not asking you to pay the fee to us here in
United Kingdom as the Government of Nigeria have instructed us, for
handling/processing of your Payment with other customers. We will help you
to see that you obtain the form so that our bank will effect Immediate
transfer of your inheritance sum ($25 000, 000, 00) in to your designated
bank account.

If you follow up our directives your fund will reflect in your account
within five working Bank days from the day you obtain this form. Do not go
through anybody again but through this Bank if you really want your fund

.1. Full Names: ------------------------------ ---

2. Residential Address: ------------------------

3. Phone Number: ------------------------------ -

4. Fax Number: ------------------------------ ---

5. Occupation: ------------------------------ ---

6. Sex: ------------------------------ ----------

7. Age: ------------------------------ ----------

8. Nationality: ------------------------------ --

9. Country: ------------------------------ ------

10. Payment Method: -------------------------

Please the above information shall be forwarded to this email:
(bobdiamondbarclays@gmail.com) for immediate attention.

Yours sincerely,
Chief Executive Officer
Barclays Bank Plc


Attention : Beneficiary


This is to notify you about the status of your fund presently in my desk.
After due vetting and evaluation of your Inheritance file which The
Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Forwarded us to see
to your Immediate payment.

From our findings you have been going through hard ways by paying a lot
of charges to see to the release of your Fund ($25 000, 000, 00) which
has been delayed. We advice that you stop further communication with any
Correspondence from Nigeria . You don't have to pay much charges to
receive your Inheritance fund as you met up with the whole
requirements, your representatives in other country may tell you to still go
ahead with them But on your own risk.

The only thing required from you is to obtain Non-Resident Clearance
Form/Receipt which we are not asking you to pay the fee to us here in
United Kingdom as the Government of Nigeria have instructed us, for
handling/processing of your Payment with other customers. We will help you
to see that you obtain the form so that our bank will effect Immediate
transfer of your inheritance sum ($25 000, 000, 00) in to your designated
bank account.

If you follow up our directives your fund will reflect in your account
within five working Bank days from the day you obtain this form. Do not go
through anybody again but through this Bank if you really want your fund

.1. Full Names: ------------------------------ ---

2. Residential Address: ------------------------

3. Phone Number: ------------------------------ -

4. Fax Number: ------------------------------ ---

5. Occupation: ------------------------------ ---

6. Sex: ------------------------------ ----------

7. Age: ------------------------------ ----------

8. Nationality: ------------------------------ --

9. Country: ------------------------------ ------

10. Payment Method: -------------------------

Please the above information shall be forwarded to this email:
(bobdiamondbarclays@gmail.com) for immediate attention.

Yours sincerely,
Chief Executive Officer

23 august 2011

Escrocherie virtuală estivală

Este sezon de concedii. Oamenii sunt mai puțin atenți și pot cădea victime a tot felul de escrocherii. Canalul de televiziune DISCOVERY a avut de altfel zilele trecute o serie de emisiuni destinate avertizării celor ce călătoresc. Prevenirea este importantă.

O escrocherie estivală ce se propagă pe Internet este cea descrisă în emailul de mai jos primit de mine azi 23 august 2011. Pentru protejarea persoanei am schimbat numele si prenumele folosite ca momeală. Precizez că este al treilea email de acest gen primit în ultimele luni și care se referă la persoane diferite.

From: Ionescu Nelu
Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:27 PM
Subject: Hi
I really don't mean to inconvenience you right now but I made a quick trip to Scotland UK and had my bags stolen, in which contains my passports and credit cards. I know this may sound odd, but it happened very fast. I've been to the embassy and they're willing to help me fly without my passport but I just have to pay for my tickets and settle some bills. Right now I'm out of cash plus i can't access my bank without my credit card here. I've made contact with them but they need more verification. I was thinking of asking you to lend me some funds now and I'll pay back as soon as I get home. I need to get on the next available flight.
Please reply as soon as you can if you are ok with this so I can forward the details as to where to send the funds. You can reach me via Carmelite hotel's desk phone if you can, the number is +447035907125 or via my alternative email ionescunelu@yahoo.com
Mail: Romania (adresa corectă a persoanei de la care se pare că am primit mailul)

În emailul primit adresa expeditorului de la From: este cea corectă. Faptele descrise sunt plauzibile. Hotelul Carmelite există la Aberdeen, dar desigur numărul de telefon nu este al hotelului. Cel mai probabil este un număr de telefon mobil folosit de escroci, care au creat și o adresă alternativă la care desigur au acces numai ei.
Escrocheria, ca și scrisorile nigeriene, se bazează pe faptul că un număr mic de destinatari vor cădea totuși victime, se vor preocupa de soarta prietenului și vor trimite bani, contactând "prietenul" la telefonul sau adresa de mail indicate, fără să verifice pe alte canale care este situația.
Sfatul meu este ca dacă primiți astfel de emailuri să contactați persoana în cauză care desigur nu știe nimic și să o sfătuiți să anunțe pe cât mai mulți cunoscuți din lista proprie de emailuri că nu este autorul emailului respectiv și că i se recomandă să-și schimbe parola de acces la cutia poștală.
O recomandare generală este să nu atașați prea multe date personale la sfârșitul emailurilor dvs. Ele pot fi interceptate și de persoane răuvoitoare care au spart probabil cutiile poștale ale altora. În cazul de mai sus, persoana reală obișnuiește să atașeze la mesaje adresa de acasă și toate telefoanele la care poate fi găsit. Eroare ce poate să coste…

23 martie 2011

Vasile Baltac MECIPT 50.wmv